Volker Schwaberow
Volker Schwaberow

Collection of Security Breaches

On this page, you'll find a collection of data about known security breaches and insider threats.

Year ↑ Category Short Description Title Link
2011 Financial Cyber Attack The network of Nonghyup Bank was compromised, leading to a system outage that affected millions of customers. Investigations pointed to North Korean involvement. Nonghyup Bank Cyber Attack Link
2011 Industrial Cyber Attack Norsk Hydro, a leading aluminum producer, experienced a significant cyber attack that disrupted operations across multiple facilities. Norsk Hydro Cyber Attack Link
2012 Data Theft A cyber attack compromised 3.6 million Social Security numbers and 387,000 credit and debit card numbers from the state's Department of Revenue. South Carolina Department of Revenue Breach Link
2012 Industrial Espionage Chinese hackers targeted EADS (now Airbus) and steelmaker ThyssenKrupp, aiming to steal technological know-how and research data. EADS and ThyssenKrupp Attacks Link
2013 Data Breach Approximately 50 companies in Norway's oil and energy sector were targeted in a cyber espionage campaign, leading to the theft of sensitive information. Norwegian Oil and Energy Sector Breach Link
2013 Extortion Two disgruntled IT professionals from Atos attempted to blackmail Siemens and TeamBank by threatening to release sensitive data. Disgruntled IT Professionals Tried to Blackmail Siemens and TeamBank Link
2013 Data Leak Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, disclosed classified information revealing global surveillance programs conducted by the NSA and its partners. Edward Snowden NSA Leaks Link
2013 Cyber Espionage Cyber attacks disrupted the operations of South Korean banks and broadcasting companies, causing widespread service outages. The attacks were attributed to the Lazarus Group, linked to North Korea. March Cyber Attacks (DarkSeoul) Link
2014 Exchange Bankruptcy Following the 2011 hack, Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy after losing an additional 200,000 BTC. Mt. Gox Bankruptcy Link
2014 Cyber Attack A cyber attack led to the release of confidential data, including employee information, emails, and unreleased films, causing significant operational disruption. Sony Pictures Entertainment Hack Link